Okay, so you want to know where to buy Monster Jam tickets. That’s a wonderful inquiry. A Monster Jam show is a fun and exciting event for the whole family, and if you’ve never gone then you definitely should, but first, you need those tickets; so where do you go to buy Monster Jam tickets?
The best place to get them is MonsterJam.com, but you can also get them from most of the online ticket retailers, such as Stubhub.com, Vividseats.com, Ticketmaster.com, and Cheaptickets.com. I tend to recommend getting them directly from the source because the pricing is the most consistent, in other words; you might get a deal buying from somewhere else but you might also end up paying for a ticket then you would have if you had just gone directly to the source. MonsterJam.com is also where you can purchase ticket add-ons that can gain you early entry as well as access to the pre-show pit party, and pit parties are extremely fun so I would recommend checking one out sometime.
Fortunately, Monster Jam tickets are, overall, reasonably priced. They are also totally worth the cost when you consider all the amazing tricks and events you will get to see. If you have never been to Monster Jam before you are in for a treat…but more on that later, let’s get back to the cost.
When you buy directly from MonsterJam.com the majority of the tickets range from $15-$30, but if you want the best seats in the house that can cost you anywhere from $60-$125. Ticket prices can fluctuate depending on demand but these are pretty solid estimates to off of.
The ticket add-ons are also an additional $15-$30 depending on what events you choose to add. Parking costs depend on where the show is but if you do your location research I’m sure you can find the cheapest parking possible ahead of time.
Making the decision to buy your tickets but let’s take it a step further, let’s make sure you have everything else you need to properly prepare for, and enjoy the show.
Before You Go
Do A Little Pre-Show Research
If this is your first time attending a Monster Jam event it wouldn’t hurt to learn a little about the trucks and drivers before you go. Many of the trucks have an interesting history or a trick they are known for. To help get you (and perhaps your family as well) properly hyped you might want to watch some videos of the trucks and learn a little bit about the drivers and their driving history. Heck, you can even do that as soon as you finish reading this article, we are called MonsterTruckGuide.com for a reason after all.
A big part of Monster Jam is cheering for your favorite truck and driver. Many fans will bring and wave the flag of their favorite truck to show their support. If you’re interested in joining you should be able to find the flags at the souvenir shop.
Monster Jam trucks also have theme songs, so if you decide on a favorite truck you might want to listen to its theme song ahead of time so you can sing along and jam out with the crowd.
Meet and Greet
Oftentimes there will be a driver Meet and Greet sometime in the week prior to the actual event, or earlier on in the day of the event. If you can make it to this event it would be a fun addition to your experience. You’ll get a chance to meet the drivers and perhaps get an autograph. You may even catch a glimpse of those insanely massive and amazing monster trucks.
Monster Truck drivers a notoriously charismatic and fun to be around, they are very appreciative of their fans and they always do their best to show the fans a little love.
Prep Your Phone
Large cameras are not allowed into Monster Jam events so unless you have a small, point and shoot camera you’ll be relying on your phone for any and all picture and video needs. So make sure you have enough storage space for anything you will want to capture while at the show. And trust me, you’re definitely going to want to take some pictures and videos because a Monster Jam show is an amazing, action-packed experience.
I mean, it’s a 10-foot high truck soaring through the air, you can’t tell me you don’t want a video on that. Plus, if you have kids with you then you know they are going to want to rewatch that video over and over again. So be smart, plan ahead and make sure you have ample storage space.
What to Bring to the Show
Ear Plugs, etc.
Monster Jam is LOUD. There’s no way around it, it’s just super loud. You have multiple 12,000-pound trucks driving around so you have multiple engines of 12,000-pound trucks running. You also have music blaring and fans cheering, so, be prepared for noise. If you’ve ever been to an airshow that would the closest sound level compared to what you’ll be hearing at Monster Jam.
I would recommend bringing earplugs, earmuffs, or noise-canceling headphones. Trust me, you’re not going to be the only one wearing them and your ears will thank you for your consideration. You don’t have to be willing to let your eardrum burst in order to experience the magic of Monster Jam, I promise.
My father in law has a bunch of earplugs he uses when the grandkids are being too loud, maybe you can borrow his…
I’m just kidding, don’t do that, just buy your own.
Eye Drops
Eyes are the window to the soul, and all that so let’s make sure we take care of them at the Monster Jam show, mmk? Something you might need to consider is how much the dirt and fumes will affect your eyes. Because there is a lot of dirt and there are a lot of fumes. You can plan ahead and take some allergy medicine before you go and I would also suggest bringing eye drops. Eye drops are going to be a lifesaver, especially if you have sensitive eyes or you’re wearing contacts.
A Cushion
You’re going to be sitting on bleachers for quite a while and even though bleachers are an effective form of seating for large crowds, they are definitely not known for being comfortable.
So don’t try to be a hero, okay? There is no shame in bringing along a cushion to make your sitting experience more congenial. A soft blanket is also a good option for padding your seat. Or maybe a cushion and a blanket, I mean, who am I to stop you from achieving ultimate buttocks comfort.
Oh, and while we’re on the subject of blankets, the temperature of the arena can vary from warm to cold so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to dress in layers and have a light blanket with you in case you end up in an extra cold area.
Tips For Going With Young Kids
As I said before Monster Jam is a great family activity and something your kids are sure to enjoy, but if your kids are on the younger side you may need to do a little extra planning.
Merch, Merch, Merch
Let’s talk about the merchandise, because it’s going to be there and your kids are going to want it so I would either set a price limit for each kid ahead of time OR you can pre-purchase some Monster Jam toy trucks and surprise your kids with them at the show, that way they still get the toys without the inflated souvenir shop cost.
Eat, Drink and Keep Your Kids Happy
Concession stand lines can be very long and the cost can be a bit much so I would definitely recommend packing some fun snacks and drinks to give your little ones (or yourself) during the show, we don’t anyone getting “hangry” after all.
Bathroom Breaks and the Second Half
Young kids have to pee a lot, it’s just a fact, so If you can manage it, I would suggest getting seats near the bathroom, otherwise, you might be spending your whole evening going up and down stairs just to get to the bathroom.
It’s also important to note that each Monster Jam is split into 2 halves and most of the jumps, tricks, and action are going to happen in the second half. So, if you are worried about the show keeping your young child’s attention for the whole time you may want to plan on coming late so you are just there for the second half. Or, if you’re still going to watch both halves try to make sure all bathroom runs happen during the first half so you and your young one get to enjoy all the amazing action of the second half.
Leave Your Preconceived Notions at the Door
Whatever image you have in your mind about Monster Jam is most likely not accurate. You can’t really know what it’s like until you attend an event. But, let me just tell you that it is sure to be more awesome than you can imagine. The energy in the stands is electric and the truck tricks and stunts are jaw-dropping.
I know a lot of people might think that Monster Jam is aimed solely at (for lack of a better term) red-necks. But it’s really not. Monster Jam caters to a variety of different types of people; different types of people who all have one thing in common—they think monster trucks are dope.
Monster Jam fans are an extremely fun group of people and as long as you’ve prepared ahead of time with all the things you need to make your Monster Jam experience a positive one, you’re going to be able to join right in with the party time, Monster Jam crowd and clap, cheer, gasp and laugh right along with them. So do yourself a favor, buy those tickets and get yourself to Monster Jam ASAP.